Monday, October 14, 2013

For Starters

This is new to me, but a great friend told me recently to start daily and God will lead the way. I've been hesitating to start a blog, because I'm afraid I guess of being transparent. Being vulnerable. Thinking thoughts and thinking thoughts and putting them on paper for anyone to see are two very different things. But God hasn't called us to merely think thoughts. He's called us to spread the good news. I know that may be way too overused on any christian blog site or web site, but it's the truth. That good news is the same for everyone, but it's shown so differently through every person's story. They good news means salvation and life. It means mercy and grace from the horrible sins we've committed in this broken world. The great thing is that we've all had a different life. He's saved us from each of our own personal hells, graves, sinful death. And if he hasn't saved you, I pray that you are intrigued by our amazing Lord and come to know how you can be satisfied in His love and grace.

It wasn't until last year when I finally began to understand just how much in need of God's grace that I began to truly appreciate my name. Growing up in church, I would tell people my name and they would always say "Oh that is so beautiful," that didn't mean anything to me. I knew it was said in the bible...alot...and I understood that it meant receiving something you don't deserve, but I also didn't understand how in need of grace I was, and that God wanted to give it to me, over and over and over again. That must be exhausting. I don't even want to give grace to the person sitting next to me in class who sleeps everyday and then asks to copy my notes the week of the final, yet God gives me grace for constantly going against him, sinning through every day of my life. He chooses to forgive me if I ask and repent. He chooses to love me.

Guys to be honest I don't know where this blog is going to go. I don't know what journey God wants to take me on through pouring out my daily thoughts to this ever intimidating world wide web. But I do know that it will point back to the Lord. I struggle daily to die to my own will and desires and identity in order to life for my Father. I wish so badly it wasn't hard, but that's why I'm so blessed to have a gracious Father. Not only does He love me and forgive me, he wants a relationship with me. He wants to talk to me daily and satisfy my every need. And I just want to share those moments of my relationship with Christ with you guys in hopes you see a little bit of your relationship with him through it.

Tonight I pray that God blesses this blog. I pray that He uses it for His glory in whatever way that he wants. I pray that I'm not afraid to be vulnerable and transparent. I pray for realness and I pray that this starts a community. I pray for grace, for love, for mercy.
Lord you are sovereign, have your way in me.

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