Friday, November 28, 2014

Thank You Volleyball

Tonight is the last time I lace up my court shoes and put on a Tulane Volleyball jersey. I may be putting on nikes, but I’ll be remembering the little girl who laced up her adidas to go to her very first middle school tryout. I’ll remember the little girl who begged for the new mizuno shoes when club season came around. For the last 10 years, my memories have revolved around volleyball. The game has given and taken away so many opportunities, it would be wrong to say that it hasn’t been one of the most influential parts of my life. It has given me more friends and mentors than I could possibly count, and it has taken me across the country and back dozens of times in a single year. I don’t think I could ever give back to the sport as much as it has given me, but I would like to try and simply thank it for all that it gave me.
Volleyball gave me life-long friendships (aka bridesmaids).  It’s inevitable that the ones you spend the most time with are those who you become closest with. But when those people are who you play a sport with, the bond becomes that much stronger. Who can help but bond to the only 10 people you know in a convention center filled with thousands of screaming teenagers, or when you’re crying on the bus ride back to your high school from your last playoff game singing your alma mater. Who could help but bond with the girls you wake up with at 5:15 every other day to go lift weights with after flying through 3 different time zones the weekend before. Volleyball has given me more memories than I could ask for with these crazy girls, and frankly more than I would like, and for that I can never repay the sport. I know they will continue to be in my life long after we all trade our jerseys in for our kid’s jerseys, and for that I am so grateful.
Volleyball taught me sacrifice. I could sit here and tell you all the opportunities volleyball has given me, but I would be lying if I say it didn’t take a lot of opportunities away as well. I’ve learned to redefine what “Spring Break” and “Thanksgiving” mean. They simply mean I get to travel and play volleyball without worrying about missing school. I’ve learned that not everyone can go to Junior annnnd Senior prom, and you may not get to go out on your 21st birthday because of the 6 am workouts you have the next morning. With all the sacrifices I’ve made, they have been worth it, because nothing worth loving comes without sacrifices.
Volleyball gave me great Mentors. I’ve been blessed with so many great coaches along the way and they have taught me more about the sport and about myself than I would ever imagine. They have helped me through tough times on and off the court, and many have helped me figure out what to do after my time is up in college. They have been great role models not only on the court but how they live their lives off the court with their families and friends, and I’m so grateful to have been surrounded by that growing up when the athletics world can be so shallow and vain. God has truly shown me how to glorify him through sports by the mentors he has given me along my journey and I can’t thank Him enough for that.
Volleyball will still continue to give me opportunities long after I stop playing. Thank goodness God has given me the heart for coaching, because I don’t know if I could bare saying goodbye to the sport altogether. I have learned from coaching this past summer that it will be hard to transition from player to coach, but I know this sport isn’t done teaching me lessons. I will never forget the memories I’ve made with my teammates these past 10 years. I get emotional just thinking about the ups and downs along the way. Sports truly change your life. They are mysterious in how they do, but they change your life one day at a time. I can’t say that I will truly miss going from the weight room to the class room to the gym, but I can say I will miss the moments in between with my teammates.
Thank you volleyball, for everything you have given me. You have helped shape me into the woman I am today, and I can’t thank you enough for that. It was fun while it lasted.