Monday, November 18, 2013

All Glory to God

I’ve played volleyball for 10 years now and I’ve gone through some tough years, and some easy years. Looking back, I wouldn’t believe a single soul if they said my team would go from a 6-21 record to 26-3 the very next year and still climbing. Only God can take a group of girls from around the world and put them on a team and create a story like that. Only God can bless a group of girls with the determination and strength and love for a game to keep their spirits up enough from losing the last 3 years and still have hope. Only God can bless a team with amazing Godly coaches and staff and athletic family to help support them throughout the years. What else are you to believe in after years of busting your butt yet losing? For me and so many other girls on the team, God was the only one I could believe in through the hard seasons. Having faith that He was using all those losses for good kept us going. Every season he would renew our strength and love for the game, reminding us why we played and who we play for.

This year more than any, I have felt his presence guiding us every step of the way. We have such a big group of girls who are crazy about God on our team that I can't help but smile every time I think about it. He has blessed us with such a great opportunity and platform to show how great his glory is. Without him, I’m certain that half our team would not have been able to overcome injuries even if it was through his gift of great determination. Every win, every point, every grueling practice and workout has been a gift straight from God. This season and the past seasons everyone of my teammates have been through has been building up to this year. 

That’s the thing about God’s plans. You never know what he’s working you up to, or why he’s putting that certain situation in your life. To be honest, I have no clue why he’s blessed us with such a great season because no one ever deserves the gifts God gives us. But I do know that God’s glory and blessings should never be taken for granted or ignored. This team is something special and I would never change a single thing about it. No one but God could write a story like this, and we would never be here without the Holy spirit guiding us and I’m just in awe when I think of how powerful and loving our Lord is. Our conference tournament is this weekend and I have full confidence that whatever the outcome is, it is God given and all the glory will go to him.